Friday, February 29, 2008
My date with Chuck
Wish me luck gang :)
Missing in Action
Physical therapy went well. She wants me to start using a different type of mouse at work... guess I should at home too. That will take some getting used to. Therapy was pretty good, I had a love hate relation with the massage... it hurt but felt good at the same time. They did a sonogram on my arm as well, she said that was to help get blood flow moving and to try to losen up those tendons, she showed me how tight they were and she was trying to relax that. All in all it was good. Then after PT, I went to treat myself and got my nails done.
Oh and for those of you that are interested in an update on the relationship front... well without going into to many ugly details... I went on a date Tuesday night, figured it was only fair because Michael went out of town again for a date in Huntsville. I told him I was going and he told me to send his number and all the info I had on him and text it to him in case something happened to me... DO I LOOK THAT STUPID??? so you can STALK HIM ? So you could call him and threaten him for dating the girl you are letting slip through your fingers because your too stupid to realize how stupid you are actually being? NO THANK YOU !!! So he calls me later about midnight and asks where I am. I told him on my way home. He asked what time I left, I said around 7 and then he flew off the handle... why were you with him that long? what did you do? why did it take so long? where did you go. I said what's with the 3rd degree. What about you and your date... you do remember your on a date too.......... STUPID. He actually said, well I don't think I am going to get the truth out of you so I will stop asking. I had enough. I told him I was sick of his double standard bullshit and told him have a good time, goodbye and hung up. He tried to call back and I didn't answer and so he left a pittyful apology and then texted me one as well. When he got back I told him we needed to have a talk and I told him I was begining to resent him and that I was losing respect and it was making me more angry now. I told him I was tired of being the fall back girl and that I deserved to be the one selected, not the default. He said to me if that's the way I truely feel then he would take his leave and when he straighted up he would come back and see if I was available at that time. I told him to go. I KNOW he wasn't expecting that. I said I am not going to have you threaten me that your gonna leave... just go. I said your doing me NO favors by staying and stringing me along besides causeing me more stress and pain and drama and I don't need any of the above. Then his tune changed. He said I don't want to leave, I said will it just might be the best idea he has had in some time.
What is it that he cannot get it through his head I am not letting him have his cake and eat it too... I'm just done. I wish my heart was as done as my mind is... the heart is what I am fighting with so much right now... damn HEART !!!
I have to get onto reading up on all my friends... sorry again for being away... I will be a better girl :)
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Update on Relationship
I however am not going to hold back and just sit around and wait... I am going to have fun and do fun things and if when he straightens up his act, I am still available, well maybe we will cross that bridge when it gets here.
Anyway... stay tuned for further updates...
Bitter Sweet Weigh In
Monday, February 18, 2008
Welcome to the 2008 edition of gettting to know your friends.
1. What is your occupation? Marketing & Contract Specialist
2. What color are your socks right now? white
3. What are you listening to right now? radio, mix station
4. What was the last thing that you ate? refried beans from taco bueno, thinned out with salsa
5. Can you drive a stick shift? no
6. Last person you spoke to on the phone? a sales rep for our company
7. Do you like the person who sent this to you? Don't really know them
8. How old are you today? 31
9. What is your favorite sport to watch? Hockey
10. What is your favorite drink? ice tea
11. Have you ever dyed your hair? Yep
12. Favorite food(s)? popcorn, peanut butter, chips and queso
13. What was the last movie you watched? The Spiderwick Chronicles
14. Favorite day of the year? Thanksgiving
15. How do you vent anger? raise my voice
16. What was your favorite toy as a child? barbie's and dolls
17. What is your favorite season? fall
18. Hugs or Kisses? Both
19. Cherries or Blueberries - Cherries
20. Do you want your friends to e-mail you back? IF they want
21. Who is the most likely to respond? Kim
22. Who is least likely to respond? not sure
23. Living where? Texas
24. When was the last time you cried? yesterday...see putting it in neutral
25. What is on the floor of your closet? shoes
26. Who is the friend you have had the longest? JoAnna
27. What did you do last night? went to a movie and dinner and then spent the rest of the evening with Michael at home.
28. Favorite smell? Mulberry
29. What inspires you? my family
30. What are you most afraid of? failing
31. Plain, cheese or spicy hamburgers? Cheese
32. Favorite dog breed(s)? I love em all
33. Favorite day of the week? Saturday
34. How many states have you lived in? 2, Texas and New Mexico
35. What is your favorite way to relax? go to the movies
Movie Review by ME
I saw Jumper and The Spiderwick Chronicles this weekend. I liked both of them.
Jumper was pretty good, action packed and made me wanna be able to do that too for sure :) I want a super power, or maybe a couple. A different power for each day would be fun too.
I saw Spiderwick Chronicles yesterday and it was super cute. I am not above going to see a kids movie :) I think I enjoyed it as much if not more than all the children that surrounded us. I do have to say that is the quietest I have ever been in a theatre when there were so many children. I couldn't believe how quiet it was. Maybe they were just that into the movie as well. It was a really cute story.
v-day fill
The only thing I have managed to keep down was the soup on friday evening. Saturday I tossed my food, yesterday at breakfast I had 2 bites and tossed that. The waitress asked my friend when I went to the bathroom if there was something wrong with my breakfast, and she told her no, it was fine. Last night after an afternoon of shopping and a movie with a girlfriend.... digressing here....... I went to the Cacique store that's near by to find some sexy understuffs :) and I hit the jackpot, I got 3 hot little teddies, 1 bustier with garter straps, a jean jacket and a couple of shirts for $108 bucks. I saved 116 bucks... it was crazy. I felt like a shopping goddess being able to get such a deal :) go ME go ME !! ... okay back on topic now... after the movie I suggested soup'er salad to eat, I knew I could try some soup there. They had some baked salmon soup which was amazing and being able to serve it myself, I got more juice than meaty stuff and that was perfect. I tried to eat some salad but it got stuck and put me in the bathroom 2 times. So after that clearing I just stuck with the soup, it was really good.
I know I should go get some taken out, but I hate to do that. So I was going to try to wait it out until it just evened itself out.
So far this morning, I managed to get my banana cream flavored yogurt down and it only took me nearly 2 hours to do that :) but hey it's down and staying there :)
Putting it in Neutral
Michael never expressed such feelings to either of them, he just cheated. So it tells me alot that he actually wanted to have this conversation with me. We talked about it for awhile, and I see where he is coming from. He doesn't want to ruin what we have because he says he knows I am the one and that he wants to end up with me for the rest of his life. He just says he needs to get this out of his system, so that when we and if we get back together, then he can be all about me again. (DOES THIS MAKE SENSE?) I am trying to make sense of it all myself, and let me tell you, it's not easy. I do love him and I am doing my best to be understanding and okay with giving him his freedom. He says we will still date and spend time together, just not as committed as we have been these last couple of months.
Well.... Mr. I am not a Jealous person (or so he told me when we met) really did turn out to be SUPER JEALOUS, when some guy asked me out to dinner at The Grotto, a very upscale restraunt in the area. I had heard about the restraunt by my bosses and people that could afford that kinda stuff, but had never been there, so I was kinda interested in going. But I was not keen on the idea of going on a date with some other guy.
Michael hated it, and admitted that he guessed was jealous after all, that he had never been jealous in his past 2 relationships, but for some reason didn't want to share me at all. He said that was not fair of him to say because he was the one with this idea.
He is sorta funny how he is trying to mark his territory at my apt just in case I invite someone over. He bought me 2 dozen tulips (my fav) for v-day and then bought me a dozen silk tulips and they are in a vase that appears to have water in it, but it's fake... it's the coolest vase. He told me those will last forever and you can show them to any guy that comes over and tell them that your BOYFRIEND got those for you. I just laughed. One of the cards he gave me for v-day said that he hoped I would wait for him.
Last night he broke down and told me that he was scared that he was going to "goof off" too long and that I would find someone else before he got him "mind" straight and that he would lose me forever. He said he couldn't bear that thought. I told him if that was the case and he felt so strongly he wouldn't be doing this mess. He said I was right. It totally breaks my heart, but what am I to do. I can't sit around and be a fool waiting for something and someone I don't know will get his "mind" right. Then I would be as big a fool as he is being now. I do somewhat understand what he is thinking and I would definitely prefer him get this dating junk out of the way NOW verses a few years down the road.
I decided to go out on Friday with Ben to the Grotto... only because Michael headed to oklahoma for a date with Liz. I had a great time at the Grotto, it was beautiful and I loved the She-crab Soup... that's all I could eat. I have had the worst time with this last fill---more on that in the next post--but the soup was fantastic. Ben had the duck and said it was wonderful as well. Ben was really sweet, complimented me endlessly. I always love hearing my pictures don't do me justice. He loved my outfit... have to say I was looking cute. had the knee high boots on and was all spiffied up... that always makes me feel good. He was nice, and I can see us being friends, but I am so not interested in anything more. Michael had fun on his date, said the girl was "cool" but then when he got home the next day she called and said she wasn't interested in persuing anything. OUCH that's gotta hurt !!!
Well that's about all I have on this topic for now... it kills me to think about it and talk about it. It's stressful on a daily basis. I'm sure there will be more to come.
Thursday, February 14, 2008
I went to get my fill, this is my 3rd. We had a little snaffu... I don't know for sure, but I think the girl doing my fill was fairly new. She had a hard time getting the needle in the right spot. After digging around a little bit ( I should of requested the numbing--but I didn't know she was going on an expedition) She dug around a bit and then called in another nurse for help. That nurse dug around a bit and said there was something wrong with the needles, so she decided to try with another needle. Still no go, so she said they were going to take me to x-ray... OKAY.. I am starting to freak... what have I done wrong, what's the problem. She said it was not uncommon and that there was nothing wrong. They were going to take me to xray so they could see the entry to the port easier. The 2nd nurse was giving the first nurse directions on how to read the screen and what angle to go in at. I was thinking, I don't remember the disclaimer that said you waive your rights by using this nurse who doesn't know what she is doing yet. Where is my warning, where to I veto that option? I think she needs to practice a few more times on an orange or something. I don't want to be a guinea pig especially when it comes to long needles being injected into my stomach.
It wasn't all that bad, but funny all the same. I got a 1.2 cc fill today which I could definitely tell when trying to drink my water. I could feel it gurgling down. I had lost 1.8 more lbs since Tuesday. That's pretty cool I think.
I hope your all having a fantastic Valentines Day !!!
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Telephone Company
He climbed a telephone pole, hooked in his test set, and dialed the subscriber's house. The phone didn't ring right away, but then the dog moaned and the telephone began to ring.Climbing down from the pole, the telephone repairman found:1. The dog was tied to the telephone system's ground wire with a steel chain and collar.2. The wire connection to the ground rod was loose ..
3. The dog was receiving 90 volts of signaling current when the number was called.4. After a couple of jolts, the dog would start moaning and then urinate.5. The wet ground would complete the circuit, thus causing the phone to ring.Which demonstrates that some problems CAN be fixed by pissing and moaning. Thought you'd like to know
My ABC's
Got this from Anonymous... cute
A - Age: 31
B - Bed size: Queen
C - Chores you hate: dusting
D - Dessert you love: pecan pie
E - Essential start your day item: Hot Shower
F - Favourite actor(s): Ashley Judd, Hilary Swank, Denzel Washington
G - Gold or Silver: Silver
H - Height: 5'6"
I - Instruments you play: None now, but have played clarinet, trumpet, trombone, and piano
J - Job title: Marketing & Contract Specialist
K - Kids: none, just my 2 sweet doggies
L - Living arrangements: Loft apt north of Dallas
M - My name is: McQty
N - Nicknames: nope
O - Overnight hospital stays: Viral Meningitis, Back surgery
P - Pet Peeve: traffic, people around me not doing their job (causes me more work), bad kissers
Q - Favourite quote: don't have one
R - Right or left handed: Right
S - Siblings: One younger sister, 3 half brothers, 2 half sisters
T - Time you woke up today: 830
U - Unique habit: I surround myself with pillows when sleeping
V - Vegetable you hate: onions, cooked broccoli (I like it raw and in salads) there are more, just can't think of them right now.
W - Wishing for: new position I am going to apply for at work.
X - X-rays you’ve had: Back, arm, wrist, teeth, chest, ankle, sinuses
Y - Yummy food you make: chicken fajitas, salmon coquettes, breakfast muffins, rice crispy treats
Z - Zodiac Sign: Sagitarius
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Weighing In
Onto a happier topic.......... weigh in... 6 lbs DOWN !!! WEE :) good deal. My dr's scale is usually off a little bit, so I know it will be even better on Thurs when I go for my fill. They have a more acurate scale... so I'm hoping closer to be down 10. I won't be disappointed but would be super excited to be down even more :)
Hope all you other "Losers" have a wonderful Tuesday !!!
I have never been so happy to be a "loser" in my life :)
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Cancelled my Fill
I had some faboulous chicken noodle soup from the cafeteria here at work yesterday. It was sooo yummy, had a good flavor and the noodles were really small so they didn't bother me at all. I did ask her to put in more broth and less noodles and she was fine with that. There was no soup today, it went out early, but I inquired about what she might have for tomorrow and she told me to pick... chicken enchilada soup or tortillia soup... hmmm both sound good... lets go with the chicken enchilada soup. I remember seeing it before but not trying it. Sooo maybe I will tomorrow especially since I picked :)
Men are such children at times
He went into work today although feeling nausious this morning, I have been calling to check up on him every so often and he still seems to be nausious. I told him to go back to the ER and make them check his head, better to be safe than sorry.
Monday, February 4, 2008
No Dinning out for the Obese in Mississippi
I ran across this while reading through some other blogs... I was infuriated once I read this.
CAN YOU BELIEVE THIS....Legislators in Mississippi want to make it illegal for restaurants to serve obese customers in Mississippi.
House Bill 282 says:
Any food establishment to which this section applies shall not be allowed to serve food to any person who is obese, based on criteria prescribed by the State Department of Health after consultation with the Mississippi Council on Obesity Prevention and Management established under Section 41-101-1 or its successor. The State Department of Health shall prepare written materials that describe and explain the criteria for determining whether a person is obese, and shall provide those materials to all food establishments to which this section applies. A food establishment shall be entitled to rely on the criteria for obesity in those written materials when determining whether or not it is allowed to serve food to any person.
The proposal would allow health inspectors to yank the permit from any restaurant that “repeatedly” feeds extremely overweight customers.
The bill, written by GOP Rep. W. T. Mayhall Jr., was referred to the Judiciary and Public Health committees, but is not expected to garner much support. Hopefully it will be turned down and a REAL solution to the state’s obesity problem.
I know I am on a new track to be more aware of what passes over my lips and through my gums... but still I think everyone should have the freedom to decide just what and how much of what they wish to put in their own mouths. I am just beside myself at the gall of some of these legislature people.
Check out (HERE) and (THERE) of some other bloggers who have weighed in on the topic !!
A woman went to her doctor. The doctor, after an examination, sighed and said, 'I have some bad news. You have cancer, and you'd best put your affairs in order.' The woman was shocked, but managed to compose herself and walk into The waiting room where her daughter had been waiting. 'Well daughter, we women celebrate when things are good, and we celebrate when things don't go so well. In this case, things aren't well. I have cancer. Let's head to the club and have a martini.
After 3 or 4 martinis, the two were feeling a little less somber. There were some laughs and more martinis. They were eventually approached by some of the woman's old friends, who were curious as to what the two were celebrating.
The woman told her friends they were drinking to her impending end. 'I've been diagnosed with AIDS.' The friends were aghast and gave the woman their condolences. After the friends left, the woman's daughter leaned over and whispered, ' Momma, I thought you said you were dying of cancer, and you just told your friends you were dying of AIDS.
The woman said, 'I don't want any of those bitches sleeping with your father after I'm gone.'
Superbowl Sunday
My super bowl sunday was pretty darn good. Michael rented out a private theatre at the Studio Movie Grill--if your not familiar it's a movie theatre where they serve you dinner and drinks while you watch your movie... it's alot of fun.
So we had our own private theatre for about 35 friends that actually got to make it. I'm glad no more showed up and you will know why in a few.... this was the best idea I (yes it was all mine) came up with. It was so fun to get so many of Michael's friends all together and have room to stretch out and have someone else wait on you hand and foot while you watched the superbowl on a MOVIE SCREEN... the players were bigger than lifesize... so cool. I highly recommend this to anyone with the means to do so... Although the Patriots didn't pull out the perfect season finaly it was definitely a game I will never forget!
I do have to say that Michael got a little to generous... as he usually does when he gets his friends together. He started buying drinks... for everyone (OMG). SMG (studio movie grill) is not cheap when it comes to drinks, not even close !
I don't mind when the pitchers of beer ar $5 that Michael buys drinks... but when the pitchers are $15 at least and the shots are $6.50 each... they don't need to be bought in rounds of 30... OMG again.
They reprinted our check 11 times... due to all the additions... I finally had to pull the reins and told Michael to cut it out... he's good to listen when I lay down the law... our tab alone was over $399 bucks and that's NOT including the theatre rental. I was fine until the manager told me that when the other people were receiving their bills they were telling the waiters that Michael was paying for it all.......... OHHHHHHHHH NOOOO SIR !!!
I took that manager to the side and asked he print up every tab for every person and bring them to me. Then when he came back, I took him to every person and said look at your bill... is that what you ordered?? Yes? Okay, now pay it !!! In a little nicer way :) but I was not going to have anyone take advantage of a good thing. Michael had already paid for the theatre and for most of everyone's drinks... we are not feeding your bum asses too... --not bums, but I didn't want anyone to "accidentally" forget to pay their tab !!! There that was handled !!!
I got alot of props for the way I ran things at the party... tons of hugs followed by this is the best Superbowl I have ever been to, even got a great compliment from one of his closest friends who grabed me and pulled me aside to tell me, he was thanked God that I stole Michael because he hated that last "bitch"... I didn't steal anyone for the record... he was single and looking when HE found me :) but thanks Pat, your a sweetheart of a guy for saying so.
So as we are standing outside at the halftime smoke break, I hear Michael tell everyone to head to our place (my small place) after the game... I was like what? YOU MEAN MY SHOE BOX LOFT APT? ummm well okay. And sure enough a dozen or show came over. But it was nice, the guys got to the PS2 and played some games, the girls just fussed over Priss in her valentines dress and goober too. (I have to take some pic of her in her new dress--coming soon) It was fun.
I took tons of pic last night and downloaded them at home.. will need to post some pics.
Hope you all had a wonderful SUPER BOWL TOO !!
Catching up
Last week.. Tuesday, Michael and I took a couple of days off and headed back home. He finally got some time off and so we could get away for a bit. He had met my sister's family but not my mom and grandpa yet, so here we go. Headed home and had a great couple of days visit. He was a hit with mom and pop. They both loved him and that of course means alot to me... very important. He liked them alot too. He did alot of running around with my grandpa which I just found to be so cute. I got to see my sister's kiddos which always makes me happy. I miss them so much when they are not around for awhile. They are what I get homesick for... not so much as going back home, but just hanging out with the kids. We watched a couple of movies on my sister's new big screen... it's ridiculious :) Will do a movie review and update in another post here shortly !!
Okay so headed to sonic to get an apple juice slush (those ROCK) with mom and crack... my window bracket breaks... I can't roll my window up... what the heck... are you kidding me... SERIOUSLY !!! Well thank goodness for no rain that night. Thursday morning we wake up to head back home and what the heck... it's snowing outside... are you kidding me??
Well my mom bundles us both up including the 2 dogs which are piled into my lap and between my feet. She sets Michael up with a huge coffee and we head home... Michael manages to turn a 3 hour trip into 2 including a couple of stops with our driver window down... he didn't want to fix it until we got home to his friend who's the "car" guy! Boy... what a trip! But it was kinda funny and somewhat of our first adventure :) first of many I am sure.
After getting home and thawing out we decide to hit a movie... so Rambo here we come. It was actually pretty good. The war and fighting scenes seemed all to real and I was not bored at all. Turned out to be a good day after all.
Friday morning I wake up off and on through the night with some nausea, when getting up at 530 to get Michael ready for work it hit me full force... I was in the downstairs bathroom tossing my cookies... but there were no cookies to toss... so it was just alot of dry heaving and that hurts sooo dang bad. I hate to throw up... it sends those sharp tingles down the muscles in my back that just sting so bad. After getting him off to work I lay back down before I am to head off myself. After a couple hours the nausea is still there... So I make the call to tell the boss, me and work are not happening today and then I went back to bed. I was so sore... just everything seemed to ache and all I wanted to do was sleep. I didn't dare eat anything and when I tried to sip some crystal light... it came back up too... sooo no more drinking either. The ex called to remind me he was coming into town today to get the rest of his stuff that he had left behind when we split... I said go ahead, just don't expect help... too sick. He came by and packed up while I layed wrapped up like a burrito on the couch... I knew something was wrong when I was freezing... I am never cold. YEP.. had a slight fever. So between the bathroom and the couch we became very friendly all day. Michael got off earlier than he expected which was great and he wanted me to ride along with him to run his errands in his part of town. I love being with him no matter what we are doing, but don't know if the car ride was the best idea... the nausea was hanging on to me like the plague... but with nothing in my system, there was nothing to throw up :) . Michael wanted to grab some dinner... he hit Sonic... I got an apple juice slush to try to see if that would work and it did fine... I sipped it slowly. After all the running around I got some gatorade on the way home to drink before bed. It went down and stayed down well. Saturday still a little nausious but found the nausea meds they gave me for after surgery that I didn't need to use and took that... boy that worked wonders. Popped those babies every 4 hours as allowed and that got me through the day well. I managed to have some broth later saturday night as Michael and his friend Pat enjoyed some delicious smelling chinese. But that's okay... I wasn't about to dare anything more than that broth and some tea.
For anyone who made it this far... BLESS YOU !!! I know this post was here and there and back again, but keep coming back off and on as I work so it might be alot of ramblings... I'm sure it is actually, but that's how my brain works at times.