I read this the other day and just could not stop laughing. I could actually visualize this happening and I was brought to tears laughing about it. Hope you enjoy !!
A guy who purchased his lovely wife a pocket Taser for their anniversary submitted this as a 'short' story for his alumni newsletter.
Pocket Taser Stun Gun -- a great gift for the wife...
Last weekend I saw something at Larry's Pistol & Pawn Shop that sparked my interest. The occasion was our 15th anniversary and I was looking fora little something extra for my wife Julie. What I came across was a 100,000-volt, pocket/purse-sized taser. The effects of the taser were supposed to be short lived, with no long-term adverse affect on your assailant, allowing her adequate time to retreat to safety. WAY TOO COOL!
Long story short, I bought the device and brought it home. loaded two triple-a batteries in the darn thing and pushed the button. Nothing! Iwas disappointed. I learned, however, that if I pushed the button AND pressed it against a metal surface at the same time; I'd get the blue arch of electricity darting back and forth between the prongs.?? AWESOME!!!?
Unfortunately, I have yet to explain to Julie what that burn spot is on the face of her microwave!Okay, so I was home alone with this new toy, thinking to myself that it couldn't be all that bad with only two triple-A batteries, right?! !?? There I sat in my recliner, my cat, Gracie, looking on intently (trusting little soul) while I was reading the directions and thinking that I really needed to try this thing out on a flesh & blood moving target. I must admit I thought about zapping Gracie (for a fraction of a second) and thought better of it. She is such a sweet cat. But, if I was going to give this thing to my wife to protect herself against a mugger, I did want some assurance that it would work as advertised. Am I wrong???
So, there I sat in a pair of shorts and a tank top with my reading glasses perched delicately on the bridge of my nose, directions in one hand, and taser in another. The directions said that a one-second burst would shock and disorient your assailant; a two-second burst was supposed to cause muscle spasms and a major loss of bodily control; a three-second burst would reportedly make your assailant flop on the ground like a fish out of water. Any burst longer than three seconds would be wasting the batteries. All the while I'm looking at this little device measuring about 5" long, less than 3/4 inch in circumference; pretty cute really and (loaded with two itsy, bitsy triple-A batteries) thinking to myself, "no possible way!"
What happened next is almost beyond description, but I'll do my best...I'm sitting there alone, Gracie looking on with her head cocked to one side as to say, "don't do it, dumbass," reasoning that a one-second burst from such a tiny little ole thing couldn't hurt all that bad. I decided to give myself a one-second burst just for heck of it. I touched the prongs to my naked thigh, pushed the button and...HOLY MOTHER OF GOD, WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION!!!I'm pretty sure Hulk Hogan ran in through the side door, picked me up in the recliner, then body slammed us both on the carpet, over and over and over again. I vaguely recall waking up on my side in the fetal position, with tears in my eyes, body soaking wet, both nipples on fire, testicles nowhere to be found, with my left arm tucked under my body in the oddest position, and tingling in my legs! The cat was standing over me making meowing sounds I had never heard before, licking my face, undoubtedly thinking to herself, "Do it again, stupid, do it again!"
Note: If you ever feel compelled to "mug"yourself with a taser, one note of caution: there is no such thing as a one-second burst when you zap yourself! You will not let go of that thing until it is dislodged from your hand by a violent thrashing about on the floor. A three-second burst would be considered conservative. SON-OF-A-*%#... That hurt like **%! A minute or so later (I can't besure, as time was a relative thing at that point), I collected my wits (what little I had left), sat up and surveyed the landscape. My bent reading glasses were on the mantel of the fireplace. How did they get upthere??? My triceps, right thigh and both nipples were still twitching. My face felt like it had been shot up with Novocain, and my bottom lip weighed 88 lbs. I'm still looking for my testicles! I'm offering asignificant reward for their safe return!
P. S. My wife loved the gift, and now regularly threatens me with it!
Monday, January 28, 2008
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Cloverfield... my movie review
Oh my gosh... where is a barf bag when you need one?
Last night Michael actually got off early, so I left work early to hit the movies... woo hoo... LOVE GOING TO THE MOVIES !! We decided to see Cloverfield.... just an fyi--I am not one that likes to read up on reviews and critiques before seeing a movie. I like to make my own decisions--so I had no clue about this movie.
I couldnt take it. Totally a Blair Witch times 10 on the movement scale. I actually made it through Blair Witch, but was really nausious afterwards... but it wasn't to terribly bad. This I could not say the same for. I have never had a movie affect me in such a way. My mom used to have to dope me up on Dramamine everytime I got into the car because of how bad I would get car sick. I was so in need of Dramamine last night.
I broke out into a cold sweat and had to step out into the hall for some fresh air. I went to the bathroom a couple of times and then finally I told Michael he had to watch the end of the movie to tell me how it ended, but I might need to go out to the car. He told me to tuck my head into his shoulder and close my eye. He had his arm around me and his hand infront of my eyes, but still the sound effects and surround sound were still so intense that it was still knotting up my stomach. I absolutely could NOT handle this movie. It took me a couple of hours to settle down after the movie. I couldn't believe it. It makes me laugh that a movie could have such an affect on someone... physically, but it's so true...
anyone else seen it? tell me your thoughts on the movie and how it made you feel if anything :)
Last night Michael actually got off early, so I left work early to hit the movies... woo hoo... LOVE GOING TO THE MOVIES !! We decided to see Cloverfield.... just an fyi--I am not one that likes to read up on reviews and critiques before seeing a movie. I like to make my own decisions--so I had no clue about this movie.
I couldnt take it. Totally a Blair Witch times 10 on the movement scale. I actually made it through Blair Witch, but was really nausious afterwards... but it wasn't to terribly bad. This I could not say the same for. I have never had a movie affect me in such a way. My mom used to have to dope me up on Dramamine everytime I got into the car because of how bad I would get car sick. I was so in need of Dramamine last night.
I broke out into a cold sweat and had to step out into the hall for some fresh air. I went to the bathroom a couple of times and then finally I told Michael he had to watch the end of the movie to tell me how it ended, but I might need to go out to the car. He told me to tuck my head into his shoulder and close my eye. He had his arm around me and his hand infront of my eyes, but still the sound effects and surround sound were still so intense that it was still knotting up my stomach. I absolutely could NOT handle this movie. It took me a couple of hours to settle down after the movie. I couldn't believe it. It makes me laugh that a movie could have such an affect on someone... physically, but it's so true...
anyone else seen it? tell me your thoughts on the movie and how it made you feel if anything :)
Coming out of the woodwork
What is it when you finally decide to pull your dating advertisement out of the window because you have obtained the one you feel is worthy to date... does all the other men come out of the wood work... in other words when you are no longer single and looking and you have found the one you want to be with, at least at this time... do all the other men come out of hiding. New men, old guys you have dated, ex's realize what they did wrong and want to fix it... it's so crazy to me. I know it goes both ways with women and men... is it more attractive to pursue someone that is already taken? I guess for some folks it is. Michael is making me deliciously happy these days and I have not given anyone else a 2nd thought... but my goodness the men are crawling out of the wood works I tell you, and not just that, coming out of caves that you thought were sealed long ago, creeping out from under the rocks they once crawled under... well you get my drift !
Thomas the most recent ex that turned out to be the bum who wouldn't work... he's been calling quite a bit and not to mention emailing. He professed how much he had screwed up the other day in not trying harder to keep me and do what he needed to do to keep me... I told him it was a little to late for that. I can be his friend but nothing more. He even said he wanted to move back up here near me and that might upset Michael. Michael has nothing to worry about in that sense even if Thomas did move back up here.
Last night I was online and got an instant message from a guy I dated several years ago, probably about 6-7 years ago named Russell. He has since been married and has a great little family going. We say hello from time to time when we see each other on, but nothing to deep... well it got pretty deep last night. Told me about memories he has and cherishes of the time we were and how amazing the time with me really was. He said he mentioned it to his friends at work a few months back. That was quite flattering... Russell was a fav of mine. He asked me last night why I would never let him take me out... I laughed and told him we had a hard time keeping our clothes on when we were together... which was true. I thoroughly enjoyed the time I spent with him, but I was so much younger then and so not ready to settle down into something extremely serious... timing was just off with us. But I too will remember great memories shared with him. It's always flattering to me to hear I made a wonderful impact on someone and that I am unforgettable in a great way :) He saw some new pics of me and the body transformation going on.. he said he can't believe it, that I was so beautiful back then and that I am just looking finer :) that's so nice to hear !
You might think that was it, but ohhhhhhhh no... an old guy I dated about 4-5 years ago has been emailing me the last couple of days. Told me he would like to catch up and would I like to see him. I told him it would be great to catch up, but I didn't want to give him the wrong idea, told him I had a boyfriend that I cared alot about and was not up for dating anyone else. Here was his reply this morning...
I am glad you have a good guy. I am a little sad, though. I was so excited when you wrote me back and had hopes of dating and getting serious. I have very fond memories(not just sex) of you and holding you as we slept and so much more. But please write any time here or on myspace.
That is so crazy to me. I have no ill feelings for him at all. We just went our separate ways, we lived so far apart at the time, about 1.5 hrs and I am not one for long distance. I like to be able to see my sweety right away if need be and 1.5 hours is not right away. I would love to be friends with him and I could do that with no temptation on my part, but from this last note of his... I don't know that he could be friends with no temptations....
I want to hang out, that's cool that you are with someone. But I know that if we hang, I will try to kiss you at some point.
I think the smartest and safest bet would be to not subject myself to such a situation. So we shall stick to being friends via phone, email or online chatting. I would never want to do something that could hurt or jeopardize anything I have with Michael.
Thomas the most recent ex that turned out to be the bum who wouldn't work... he's been calling quite a bit and not to mention emailing. He professed how much he had screwed up the other day in not trying harder to keep me and do what he needed to do to keep me... I told him it was a little to late for that. I can be his friend but nothing more. He even said he wanted to move back up here near me and that might upset Michael. Michael has nothing to worry about in that sense even if Thomas did move back up here.
Last night I was online and got an instant message from a guy I dated several years ago, probably about 6-7 years ago named Russell. He has since been married and has a great little family going. We say hello from time to time when we see each other on, but nothing to deep... well it got pretty deep last night. Told me about memories he has and cherishes of the time we were and how amazing the time with me really was. He said he mentioned it to his friends at work a few months back. That was quite flattering... Russell was a fav of mine. He asked me last night why I would never let him take me out... I laughed and told him we had a hard time keeping our clothes on when we were together... which was true. I thoroughly enjoyed the time I spent with him, but I was so much younger then and so not ready to settle down into something extremely serious... timing was just off with us. But I too will remember great memories shared with him. It's always flattering to me to hear I made a wonderful impact on someone and that I am unforgettable in a great way :) He saw some new pics of me and the body transformation going on.. he said he can't believe it, that I was so beautiful back then and that I am just looking finer :) that's so nice to hear !
You might think that was it, but ohhhhhhhh no... an old guy I dated about 4-5 years ago has been emailing me the last couple of days. Told me he would like to catch up and would I like to see him. I told him it would be great to catch up, but I didn't want to give him the wrong idea, told him I had a boyfriend that I cared alot about and was not up for dating anyone else. Here was his reply this morning...
I am glad you have a good guy. I am a little sad, though. I was so excited when you wrote me back and had hopes of dating and getting serious. I have very fond memories(not just sex) of you and holding you as we slept and so much more. But please write any time here or on myspace.
That is so crazy to me. I have no ill feelings for him at all. We just went our separate ways, we lived so far apart at the time, about 1.5 hrs and I am not one for long distance. I like to be able to see my sweety right away if need be and 1.5 hours is not right away. I would love to be friends with him and I could do that with no temptation on my part, but from this last note of his... I don't know that he could be friends with no temptations....
I want to hang out, that's cool that you are with someone. But I know that if we hang, I will try to kiss you at some point.
I think the smartest and safest bet would be to not subject myself to such a situation. So we shall stick to being friends via phone, email or online chatting. I would never want to do something that could hurt or jeopardize anything I have with Michael.
Monday, January 21, 2008
Sorry Baby Blog...
I'm sorry my baby blog for neglecting you for some time now. I just have not had the motivation to write much down, not that life has been put on pause, cause it certainly hasn't, but I am just sick of coughing. I have been battling this darn bronchitis for a little over a week now and it's making me nuts. There so much that's been going on that it's gonna cause this post to be my version of a fruitcake... a little of this and some of that, and throw in some of this stuff too...
Let's see, work has been busy... new year stuff is always that way. New products, new projects, new people, new headaches... not necessarily all in that order. They just recently hired 3 new people who are contracts.. they always hire you as a contract for at least 6 mo before making you permanent, and with the recent turnovers I can see why. This is a tuff job to get used to and not many people stick with it. It takes a good 6 mo to a year to get comfortable with everything, if not longer just due to the fact that things are always changing with products, pricing, procedures, financing... yadda yadda...
Well the newbies, 1 of the 3 just quit to go on full time with his part time job so he could get benefits and insurance... what's sad is the week after he quit they offered full positions to the other 2 newbies... which I think is OBSURD... They are sooo not ready. They can hardly help a customer on their own without getting help from someone nearby. They just are not able to retain the basic information that sometimes is just mere common sense. I so would not recommend making them full employees until they get more settled. I just think it a very stupid decision on our manager's part. Not that the manager has to sit there and listen to the stupid questions they ask, and I know because I happen to be a mentor to one of them... she kills me. I explain something to her and she basically has to write word for word what I said because she is not capable to grasp it in her head... it just doesn't kick in... so wierd. But whatever.
Enough about work...
Things with Michael are going well. We just seem to mesh so well and just flow so smoothly. They are having what they call Market right now, where they have vendors from all over at Trade Mark doing thier thing, promoting their stuff for other vendors... and his hours are NUTS. Not just his hours, because I am the one getting him up and ready for work each morning... so my hours too!!! Saturday we finally got home at 1 when I put him in bed, and then proceeded to wash his uniforms. I had to stay awake long enough to get them washed and into the drier and then headed to bed around 2. Then back up at 445 when getting him in the shower. It's become the cutest routine and one I am actually happy with. I get up and turn on the shower, head downstairs to get all his garb together.. then I lay out his clothes, underware, under shirt, thermals, then uniform, socks and shoes oh and the belt. While he is in the shower I take all his badges and put them all on his clean shirt and then get his munchies together for the day. I have actually gotten up on a couple of mornings to make him fresh breakfast burritos and muffins and wrapped up the brownies I made the night before for him to take to work... I would have never thought I would enjoy such a routine... but he is so appreciative and he shows that and it makes me feel good and needed and that's an awesome feeling. I do not feel obligated as I might have in the past with previous relationships. It's a nice change of pace. I don't mind it at all actually. It's good... really good... and he's still loving me more than his credit score... I just love that. I told you about that right? Ohhh my that's just the best story ever.

The weight loss thing is going well too. Got my second fill last tuesday and they gave me .08cc because of my bronchitis and the yucky drainage I was having... still am having. They said the drainage would affect my fill, so they weren't going to give me much. I am so glad they didn't because the drainage is killing me. Everything I put in my mouth gets stuck... even liquids.. I have to be so careful not to take more than a sip... it's so crazy. I have to get this drainage stopped... need to look up the nearest plumber in the yellow pages, because my alergy pills aren't cutting it. The weight is slowly coming off, but more the inches. I have gone from a size 32 jeans from surgery date (11-29-07) to a size 26 jean 2 weeks ago while shopping with my sister. I was down to a size 28 on my birthday (12-21-07) but just thought I would try a 26 while my sister and I were shopping 2 weeks ago and it actually fit and was actually a little to big... but I bought them on sheer purpose of just having a 26 in my closet again. I can't tell you the last time that happened... it's sooo crazy. I can't believe it. I can't believe the amount of people and remarks I get from people. My bosses boss was telling me the other day that they were going to have to start calling me slim... I just laughed it off. My friend Holly was calling me skinny the other day. She keeps touching my stomach every time I am within arms distance and tells me how she can't believe how fast my stomach has gone down. I know I don't see exactly what they do, but I feel it in my clothes. I notice how much bigger they are and that I am having to tighten up my belt quite a bit... it's such a crazy feeling. I am seeing the lose alot in my upper thighs... I have got to get into the gym to tighten up where I am losing. I so am afraid of lose skin being a big problem.
Michael made me promise I wouldnt lose so much that I was skin and bones and I told him that would never happen... he's so cute. He said you know I love you just like you are. Which is great, but it will be even better when I am looking like a million bucks... will match the way I am feeling !!
Happy New Year to all...
Let's see, work has been busy... new year stuff is always that way. New products, new projects, new people, new headaches... not necessarily all in that order. They just recently hired 3 new people who are contracts.. they always hire you as a contract for at least 6 mo before making you permanent, and with the recent turnovers I can see why. This is a tuff job to get used to and not many people stick with it. It takes a good 6 mo to a year to get comfortable with everything, if not longer just due to the fact that things are always changing with products, pricing, procedures, financing... yadda yadda...
Well the newbies, 1 of the 3 just quit to go on full time with his part time job so he could get benefits and insurance... what's sad is the week after he quit they offered full positions to the other 2 newbies... which I think is OBSURD... They are sooo not ready. They can hardly help a customer on their own without getting help from someone nearby. They just are not able to retain the basic information that sometimes is just mere common sense. I so would not recommend making them full employees until they get more settled. I just think it a very stupid decision on our manager's part. Not that the manager has to sit there and listen to the stupid questions they ask, and I know because I happen to be a mentor to one of them... she kills me. I explain something to her and she basically has to write word for word what I said because she is not capable to grasp it in her head... it just doesn't kick in... so wierd. But whatever.
Enough about work...
Things with Michael are going well. We just seem to mesh so well and just flow so smoothly. They are having what they call Market right now, where they have vendors from all over at Trade Mark doing thier thing, promoting their stuff for other vendors... and his hours are NUTS. Not just his hours, because I am the one getting him up and ready for work each morning... so my hours too!!! Saturday we finally got home at 1 when I put him in bed, and then proceeded to wash his uniforms. I had to stay awake long enough to get them washed and into the drier and then headed to bed around 2. Then back up at 445 when getting him in the shower. It's become the cutest routine and one I am actually happy with. I get up and turn on the shower, head downstairs to get all his garb together.. then I lay out his clothes, underware, under shirt, thermals, then uniform, socks and shoes oh and the belt. While he is in the shower I take all his badges and put them all on his clean shirt and then get his munchies together for the day. I have actually gotten up on a couple of mornings to make him fresh breakfast burritos and muffins and wrapped up the brownies I made the night before for him to take to work... I would have never thought I would enjoy such a routine... but he is so appreciative and he shows that and it makes me feel good and needed and that's an awesome feeling. I do not feel obligated as I might have in the past with previous relationships. It's a nice change of pace. I don't mind it at all actually. It's good... really good... and he's still loving me more than his credit score... I just love that. I told you about that right? Ohhh my that's just the best story ever.
The weight loss thing is going well too. Got my second fill last tuesday and they gave me .08cc because of my bronchitis and the yucky drainage I was having... still am having. They said the drainage would affect my fill, so they weren't going to give me much. I am so glad they didn't because the drainage is killing me. Everything I put in my mouth gets stuck... even liquids.. I have to be so careful not to take more than a sip... it's so crazy. I have to get this drainage stopped... need to look up the nearest plumber in the yellow pages, because my alergy pills aren't cutting it. The weight is slowly coming off, but more the inches. I have gone from a size 32 jeans from surgery date (11-29-07) to a size 26 jean 2 weeks ago while shopping with my sister. I was down to a size 28 on my birthday (12-21-07) but just thought I would try a 26 while my sister and I were shopping 2 weeks ago and it actually fit and was actually a little to big... but I bought them on sheer purpose of just having a 26 in my closet again. I can't tell you the last time that happened... it's sooo crazy. I can't believe it. I can't believe the amount of people and remarks I get from people. My bosses boss was telling me the other day that they were going to have to start calling me slim... I just laughed it off. My friend Holly was calling me skinny the other day. She keeps touching my stomach every time I am within arms distance and tells me how she can't believe how fast my stomach has gone down. I know I don't see exactly what they do, but I feel it in my clothes. I notice how much bigger they are and that I am having to tighten up my belt quite a bit... it's such a crazy feeling. I am seeing the lose alot in my upper thighs... I have got to get into the gym to tighten up where I am losing. I so am afraid of lose skin being a big problem.
Michael made me promise I wouldnt lose so much that I was skin and bones and I told him that would never happen... he's so cute. He said you know I love you just like you are. Which is great, but it will be even better when I am looking like a million bucks... will match the way I am feeling !!
Happy New Year to all...
Monday, January 7, 2008
Super Great Weekend
This weekend was so jammed pack I never made the time or even gave it a thought to actually sit down and get on the computer to post... but now I am at work and have the time to post... so have to tell you some of the highlights of my weekend.
Well I took off last Thursday so that I could spend the day with Michael. Right now his days off are Wed and Thurs, so I thought it would be fun to hang out together. It was a blast, we went and ran a few errands I had, bank, return movies to blockbuster... picked up a few more, then we went shopping at the new Wal-Mart they built in Highland Village...... Oh my gosh that is the prettiest Wal-Mart I have ever seen. It doesn't even look like a Wal-Mart. It has all these fresh little places where they have fresh breads, desserts, and even a sushi spot where we stopped to watch them rolling out the stuff to make california rolls... very cool. Totally impressed. We were there for quite awhile and just having the best time shopping together. I loved it. Then we headed over to his place and hung out there for a while before heading back to my house for the night.
Friday turned out to be a very great day. We went to dinner with several of my co-workers at Red Lobster, my fav :) It was great, we had a good time. Then we went to my apt for me to pack an overnight bag to go to his house. One of my friends came to babysit at my apt my 2 puppy dogs so I could have the night free with Michael. His roommate is gone on the weekends so we had the whole place to ourselves. It was nice. I did some cooking which ended up with me burning the top of my hand pretty bad on the top coils of the oven... not a pretty thing. Michael was so adorable and sweet in taking care of me though :0) A couple of his friends came over to visit and we had a good time hanging out. Then they wanted us to come over to their place to play that whole band game... the new guitar hero that has the 2 guitars, microphone and drums... I watched as all the guys played and had several laughs at their expense... was quite funny. Well when we left we went to get gas in Michael's car and as we were sitting there, he says he has to tell me something important... Okay, what could it be. He tells me that there is one thing that is more important to him than anything, more than his family, friends, his job and it's his ...................................... wait for it......
Credit Score... I almost busted out laughing just because he was so serious... and he went on and said that he learned along time ago that everyone is tracked by that and that noone will give you a second glance if your score isn't high... meaning companies and such... and that he works really hard to keep his score high. He tells me he has a 720 and it's never been lower than a 690... I was like okay, lucky you... to myself of course... until he says... I love you more than my credit score... and that's when I did actually lose it. It was the funniest and sweetest, most unique thing I have ever heard. It was just so funny. I think that's the most endearing thing I have ever heard....
Well Saturday, I got him up and going for work and headed to my apt to relieve my puppy sitter... my sister had called and told me that her, her hubby and 3 kids were coming to visit. SUPER EXCITED, anxious for them to meet Michael. They showed up early afternoon just as Michael was getting off. I ran by the store to grab a few more odds and ends to make taco salads for everyone at home and waited for Michael to show up. He was a hit... my sister's husband just loves him and he has never in 7 years liked anyone I have dated. It was crazy to see how much he liked Michael. The kids all loved him too, which is very important to me because my family is my everything. Sunday we got up early, Michael headed off to work and we did some shopping, lunch and then headed over to the Market Center for some shopping. Michael came over and gave us an escort... he's a security guard so we got in easily with some great parking :0) He kept asking if I saw anything I liked while looking at all the jewelry and told me he would give me his credit card if I did... so sweet. I didn't find anything however except for some perfume so I got that myself. He took us for a tour of his building which is never done, but his boss was fine with it... what a treat :0) After that we headed over to the lake behind my apt for awhile to let the kids run around, the weather was amazing, can't believe it's January. Then we headed for Dave and Buster's. The kids love it, and Michael had never been, so I had to show him what I call the Adult Chucky Cheese... I love that place. We had some great food and played some games. The kids were fighting over Michael playing with each of them, it was so cute and made me feel really good too that they approve and actually enjoy him as well. Headed home in time to catch the new Gladiator series with Hulk Hogan and Leila Ali as the hosts... I used to love that series and am super excited to see it back on again... looks good !!
Well I took off last Thursday so that I could spend the day with Michael. Right now his days off are Wed and Thurs, so I thought it would be fun to hang out together. It was a blast, we went and ran a few errands I had, bank, return movies to blockbuster... picked up a few more, then we went shopping at the new Wal-Mart they built in Highland Village...... Oh my gosh that is the prettiest Wal-Mart I have ever seen. It doesn't even look like a Wal-Mart. It has all these fresh little places where they have fresh breads, desserts, and even a sushi spot where we stopped to watch them rolling out the stuff to make california rolls... very cool. Totally impressed. We were there for quite awhile and just having the best time shopping together. I loved it. Then we headed over to his place and hung out there for a while before heading back to my house for the night.
Friday turned out to be a very great day. We went to dinner with several of my co-workers at Red Lobster, my fav :) It was great, we had a good time. Then we went to my apt for me to pack an overnight bag to go to his house. One of my friends came to babysit at my apt my 2 puppy dogs so I could have the night free with Michael. His roommate is gone on the weekends so we had the whole place to ourselves. It was nice. I did some cooking which ended up with me burning the top of my hand pretty bad on the top coils of the oven... not a pretty thing. Michael was so adorable and sweet in taking care of me though :0) A couple of his friends came over to visit and we had a good time hanging out. Then they wanted us to come over to their place to play that whole band game... the new guitar hero that has the 2 guitars, microphone and drums... I watched as all the guys played and had several laughs at their expense... was quite funny. Well when we left we went to get gas in Michael's car and as we were sitting there, he says he has to tell me something important... Okay, what could it be. He tells me that there is one thing that is more important to him than anything, more than his family, friends, his job and it's his ...................................... wait for it......
Credit Score... I almost busted out laughing just because he was so serious... and he went on and said that he learned along time ago that everyone is tracked by that and that noone will give you a second glance if your score isn't high... meaning companies and such... and that he works really hard to keep his score high. He tells me he has a 720 and it's never been lower than a 690... I was like okay, lucky you... to myself of course... until he says... I love you more than my credit score... and that's when I did actually lose it. It was the funniest and sweetest, most unique thing I have ever heard. It was just so funny. I think that's the most endearing thing I have ever heard....
Well Saturday, I got him up and going for work and headed to my apt to relieve my puppy sitter... my sister had called and told me that her, her hubby and 3 kids were coming to visit. SUPER EXCITED, anxious for them to meet Michael. They showed up early afternoon just as Michael was getting off. I ran by the store to grab a few more odds and ends to make taco salads for everyone at home and waited for Michael to show up. He was a hit... my sister's husband just loves him and he has never in 7 years liked anyone I have dated. It was crazy to see how much he liked Michael. The kids all loved him too, which is very important to me because my family is my everything. Sunday we got up early, Michael headed off to work and we did some shopping, lunch and then headed over to the Market Center for some shopping. Michael came over and gave us an escort... he's a security guard so we got in easily with some great parking :0) He kept asking if I saw anything I liked while looking at all the jewelry and told me he would give me his credit card if I did... so sweet. I didn't find anything however except for some perfume so I got that myself. He took us for a tour of his building which is never done, but his boss was fine with it... what a treat :0) After that we headed over to the lake behind my apt for awhile to let the kids run around, the weather was amazing, can't believe it's January. Then we headed for Dave and Buster's. The kids love it, and Michael had never been, so I had to show him what I call the Adult Chucky Cheese... I love that place. We had some great food and played some games. The kids were fighting over Michael playing with each of them, it was so cute and made me feel really good too that they approve and actually enjoy him as well. Headed home in time to catch the new Gladiator series with Hulk Hogan and Leila Ali as the hosts... I used to love that series and am super excited to see it back on again... looks good !!
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