Let's see, work has been busy... new year stuff is always that way. New products, new projects, new people, new headaches... not necessarily all in that order. They just recently hired 3 new people who are contracts.. they always hire you as a contract for at least 6 mo before making you permanent, and with the recent turnovers I can see why. This is a tuff job to get used to and not many people stick with it. It takes a good 6 mo to a year to get comfortable with everything, if not longer just due to the fact that things are always changing with products, pricing, procedures, financing... yadda yadda...
Well the newbies, 1 of the 3 just quit to go on full time with his part time job so he could get benefits and insurance... what's sad is the week after he quit they offered full positions to the other 2 newbies... which I think is OBSURD... They are sooo not ready. They can hardly help a customer on their own without getting help from someone nearby. They just are not able to retain the basic information that sometimes is just mere common sense. I so would not recommend making them full employees until they get more settled. I just think it a very stupid decision on our manager's part. Not that the manager has to sit there and listen to the stupid questions they ask, and I know because I happen to be a mentor to one of them... she kills me. I explain something to her and she basically has to write word for word what I said because she is not capable to grasp it in her head... it just doesn't kick in... so wierd. But whatever.
Enough about work...
Things with Michael are going well. We just seem to mesh so well and just flow so smoothly. They are having what they call Market right now, where they have vendors from all over at Trade Mark doing thier thing, promoting their stuff for other vendors... and his hours are NUTS. Not just his hours, because I am the one getting him up and ready for work each morning... so my hours too!!! Saturday we finally got home at 1 when I put him in bed, and then proceeded to wash his uniforms. I had to stay awake long enough to get them washed and into the drier and then headed to bed around 2. Then back up at 445 when getting him in the shower. It's become the cutest routine and one I am actually happy with. I get up and turn on the shower, head downstairs to get all his garb together.. then I lay out his clothes, underware, under shirt, thermals, then uniform, socks and shoes oh and the belt. While he is in the shower I take all his badges and put them all on his clean shirt and then get his munchies together for the day. I have actually gotten up on a couple of mornings to make him fresh breakfast burritos and muffins and wrapped up the brownies I made the night before for him to take to work... I would have never thought I would enjoy such a routine... but he is so appreciative and he shows that and it makes me feel good and needed and that's an awesome feeling. I do not feel obligated as I might have in the past with previous relationships. It's a nice change of pace. I don't mind it at all actually. It's good... really good... and he's still loving me more than his credit score... I just love that. I told you about that right? Ohhh my that's just the best story ever.
The weight loss thing is going well too. Got my second fill last tuesday and they gave me .08cc because of my bronchitis and the yucky drainage I was having... still am having. They said the drainage would affect my fill, so they weren't going to give me much. I am so glad they didn't because the drainage is killing me. Everything I put in my mouth gets stuck... even liquids.. I have to be so careful not to take more than a sip... it's so crazy. I have to get this drainage stopped... need to look up the nearest plumber in the yellow pages, because my alergy pills aren't cutting it. The weight is slowly coming off, but more the inches. I have gone from a size 32 jeans from surgery date (11-29-07) to a size 26 jean 2 weeks ago while shopping with my sister. I was down to a size 28 on my birthday (12-21-07) but just thought I would try a 26 while my sister and I were shopping 2 weeks ago and it actually fit and was actually a little to big... but I bought them on sheer purpose of just having a 26 in my closet again. I can't tell you the last time that happened... it's sooo crazy. I can't believe it. I can't believe the amount of people and remarks I get from people. My bosses boss was telling me the other day that they were going to have to start calling me slim... I just laughed it off. My friend Holly was calling me skinny the other day. She keeps touching my stomach every time I am within arms distance and tells me how she can't believe how fast my stomach has gone down. I know I don't see exactly what they do, but I feel it in my clothes. I notice how much bigger they are and that I am having to tighten up my belt quite a bit... it's such a crazy feeling. I am seeing the lose alot in my upper thighs... I have got to get into the gym to tighten up where I am losing. I so am afraid of lose skin being a big problem.
Michael made me promise I wouldnt lose so much that I was skin and bones and I told him that would never happen... he's so cute. He said you know I love you just like you are. Which is great, but it will be even better when I am looking like a million bucks... will match the way I am feeling !!
Happy New Year to all...
1 comment:
Wow - I sure am glad to see you back!! I hope that you get the illness and drainage under control soon - that is horrible. I got a cold a while back and it was a much bigger deal when the drainage was involved because I couldn't get any food in.
It sounds like you're ridiculously happy with Michael, and that's a wonderful thing... I remember those days!
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