Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Itchy Itchy.... Scratchy Scratchy

Well I headed to the doctor monday morning to find out what was wrong with me... over the weekend I began to break out down my arms and on the back of my legs and it itches like no tomorrow !!! Well after being seen by my doctor she diagnosed me with Stress Induced (big word couldn't say HERE) basically HIVES !!! can you friggin believe it? She said I could not sit still in her office and when she kept looking down and my bounching leg or me tapping my hand on my leg, or fiddling with my badge... I knew she was right. She was SOOOO RIGHT !!! Michael and this damn situation has actually given me hives. GEEZE !!! Well she gave me some meds to help and I certain hope they kick in before I itch myself to death... I have no self control when it comes to something itching !!! ARG !!!


So when I went to the dr on monday, same weight over the past 2 weeks... the exact same... so odd, but not complaining because it's not an increase... would definitely love to see a decrease soon !!!


Kim H. said...

Goodness!! Maybe it's time to pick up and leave town for the weekend? Go see your neices & nephews (I know you have some, but can't remember how many) and just relax for the weekend.

Sometimes that is all it takes to clear your head and get a fresh perspective.

Cammy@TippyToeDiet said...

Ouch! That doesn't sound fun! Hope you're able to get some relief soon!

Anonymous said...

oh dear.....

Hives suck and relationship issues are even worse. Take care of yourself especially well this week and I'm with Kim.....if you can schedule a weekend away, go it!

Rhea said...

Oh, wow, sorry to hear about the hives. Stress can cause so many different physical problems. Hope she gave you some good advice to deal with your stress. Exercise helps a LOT! I have to deal with lots of anxiety also. :o)

Erin said...

Hives are not fun...I'm with everyone else... you deserve a weekend away!