Thursday, April 24, 2008

Girlie Problems

I know problems... like I haven't had my share. I have had some issues lately as far as cramping like ALL the time. I have never been one to have cramps much. Maybe the first day of my "monthly visit" but nothing severe and nothing that was curled up crying like a baby bad. Well in the last month I have been so abnormal it's scary. I had my monthly visit for a week and a half when normall I am a 4-5 day at the most kinda girl... so a week and a half, I thought I was dying slowly. Then it finally stopped... about 4 days later I started spotting, but not all the time, maybe just in the evenings and then nothing the next day and then maybe the morning of the following morning... it was so supratic it was just odd. While I was out of work and my mom was here I was having the worst cramps I have ever had and I wasn't even having a visitor at that time... so I could not figure out what it was causing this problem.

Well I had a visit with my "Girlie" doctor yesterday and the first thing she said was gosh your hair is getting so long (down almost to my butt again) and where have you been? It's been almost 2 years since I last saw her... I know bad me, but hey what can I say... life has been happening.

Last I saw her I was recooping from a LEAP procedure where they surgically removed pre-cancerous cells from my cervix... that surgery went very well and recovery was good as well.

Soooo she is testing to see if that may have returned and she also wants me to come back on the 8th for a sonogram to take a look at my uterus to see if something is wrong which would be causing my cramps.

Gosh I hope it's just the weight loss and stress that has reaked havoc on my system.... hoping a few days away this weekend will help get me back on track. I am heading out of town tomorrow to go see my family back home. I am super excited.... takeing Chris and his son Daniel along as well. My mom got to meet Chris, Daniel and Chris's mom when she was here for that week. She liked them all very much, which was a great feeling for me. My families opinions matter alot to me. Then my sister and her 3 kids got to meet Chris but didn't get to meet Daniel his son yet. So we are getting stuff together to take my grandpa fishing on saturday so my mom's gonna make up some picnic foods and snacks and we are all gonna make a family event of it. I am super excited to get away from my daily stress and unwind a little.

So long Mickey and Minnie

This is tooo funny... we have had a mouse problem in our building and our work awhile back... it was kinda freaky the day I got in my desk drawer and saw my honey and ketsup packets with little tiny teeth marks in them.... it was soooo icky. I cleaned it up, cleaned it with bleach and got rid of any food... except for the things in my covered containers. Well they put down some sticky boards under the desks to catch any stragglers hanging around. Well I haven't seen mickey or minnie lately, but we got the funniest email this morning from HQ about the "alien invaders" I am blocking out my company's name just cause I think I should :) haha


Due to the short winter, increased rainfall, and the smorgasbord provided by our employees, we are experiencing an influx of mice. The only thing that Facilities is legally permitted to do is put out sticky boards. We cannot fumigate, use poison, or bring in cats. This problem will NOT go away until the mice STOP being fed at the (removed Company) Employee BUFFET.

I will ask you all again to please insure that if your employees have food items, candy, etc. in/on/near their desks that they are stored in hard surfaced, tightly sealed containers. This is something we should all be doing anyway. Ziploc baggies do not count. Glass enclosed credenzas do not count. Overhead bins do not count. Metal cabinets do not count.

If your department has a luncheon, party, meeting, etc., please make sure that all the leftover food gets put up, thrown away, or stored properly as soon as possible. Do not let it stay out all day. You can’t cover it up and let it stay out on a table overnight – no matter what it is. This is a magnet for our unwelcome guests.

Pest Control is on site every Friday. If you see any mice or bugs, please call the Helpline (X 3333) and put in a work order so they can check out that area, treat it, monitor it, etc. We have no mice problems in the cafeteria, break rooms, or areas of the building other than yours!! According to our Pest Control vendor, this is because there is no open food in these other areas.

If one of these pesky mice gets stuck on a sticky board, please call Security at X 3333 or the dock at X 3333 or X 3333 and they will remove them right away. If they have left you a friendly reminder of their visit to your area, please call the Helpline and put in a work order and we will have it cleaned up.

Security will be monitoring your areas closely to let you know which of your employees is attributing to the weight gain of the mice. We will be checking drawers, cabinets, etc. We expect you to discuss this with your employees and make sure it does not continue.

Please communicate to all your employees the above in your own words and that the mice are not our friends, they are not the (removed company) mascot, nor do they make good pets. If they don’t have an ID badge and access card, they are NOT welcome in our building !!

This email I thought was just to hilarious. First thing I thought when it said we don't have this problem in the cafeteria... was they wouldn't eat that crap if it was laying out anyway :) Break rooms??? who the hell gets a break around here?

Some of the shinanigans that goes on around here just make me laugh.

Hope you guys are having a great Thursday.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Date Night

YEAH for date night.... it was kinda a spur of the moment date night last night for Chris and I, but it turned out to be WONDERFUL. Chris was at my apt waiting for me when I got home, he looked so cute leaned up against his car next to my parking spot. We went in to let the doggies out for a walk and then headed over to a friend of mine to show him some things she was wanting to have him work on for her around her house. He just grabs a couple of ladders and heads up to the top of her roof.... I was like ummmmmm well I think she meant later this week, but OKAY :) We had a yucky hail storm lately and it blew the top off her fireplace and a couple of panels off of her siding and he jumped up there to fix them both... she was so impressed and so was I, it was sooo cute. Then the 3 of us headed to a near by restraunt for some food :) After dinner we went to the studio movie grill for a movie. We saw 88 minutes with Al Pacino, it was really good. We were all cuddled up and these 2 ladies came and sat in the row in front of us and one turned around while she was taking off her coat and was smiling at us. I said hi and she said it was nice to see 2 people out on a date. I just laughed. We shared a strawberry milkshake and some warm choc chip cookies in the movie.... I love the studio movie grill. Wish they had more of a selection though, but what do you expect for a movie theatre that serves you food. I had so much fun. We then headed to get some gas in my car.... which seems to be a regular routine these days, it's depressing everytime I pull up to the pump.

I actually don't have a weigh in today cause I was running late this morning and didn't get the scale out... remember I have it in hiding so I don't get obsessive about stepping on it every chance I get. I have it put up so it's not as easy to just walk over and get on. I actually have to take it out and put it back each time... hey it works for me. I will do the weigh in tomorrow... promise :) Have a great Tuesday everyone.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Is my luck actually changing?

That's the question of the day I have... I had a great weekend with Chris and his son Daniel this weekend. We just couldn't seem to get enough of each other and it was a great feeling. It started off Friday evening with Chris and Daniel arrived at my apt shortly after I got off work. Chris runs up to mean and just engulfs me in his arms... I love when he does that. He rushes up fast to me alot of times and says he does it because he's so excited to see me and wants me to know that :) it's adorable. We then left to go to dinner and then to get a movie. We rented Mr. Magoriums Wonder Emporium and it was super cute. I really liked it. We all went to bed pretty late and got up earlier than I really like on Saturday morning, but that was okay too. I let Chris sleep in a little while Daniel and I played some playstation. Then I took off outside to plant some flowers along the sidewalk to my apt and under my front windows. I am in the flower planting mood for the first time ever... my patio I planted while I was out of work a couple of weeks ago and it's blooming nicely... along the sidewalk I planted all kinds of bulbs, so they haven't bloomed yet, but I can't wait until they do. Chris came out and helped me, it was so fun. I will think of him I'm sure everytime I look at them. Saturday was kinda a mellow day, we took Daniel to the park after I helped him finish all his homework and that was great fun, it was so beautiful outside. Saturday evening we went to check on Chris's mom because she had been super bummed about some problems going on with her boyfriend, so we didn't want her to stay alone and invited her to come over to my house with us. We rented some more movies and stopped by the store to get fixins for burritos/tacos/tostadas... which Daniel seems to love... says they are better than Taco Bell... don't know if that is saying much, but I try :) as long as he is pleased !

We had a pretty lazy day yesterday, I cooked a roast and some potatos and carrots and then we went to Chris's last night to watch the STARS WIN the first round :) YEAH GOOOO STARS !!

So when I got back home last night there is the sweetest little love note waiting for me on my bed from Chris telling me how wonderful of a weekend it was and how he cannot wait to wrap his arms around me again... which as I look at the time now will be in about 15 mins... Gotta run friends off to see my sweetie.

Have a wonderful week !!!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Life Explained

On the first day, God created the dog and said:'
Sit all day by the door of your house and bark at anyone who comes in or walks past. For this, I will give you a life span of twenty years.'

The dog said: 'That's a long time to be barking. How about only ten years and I'll give you back the other ten?'

So God agreed.

On the second day, God created the monkey and said:
'Entertain people, do tricks, and make them laugh. For this, I'll give you a twenty-year life span.'

The monkey said: 'Monkey tricks for twenty years? That's a pretty long time to perform. How about I give you back ten like the Dog did?'

And God agreed.

On the third day, God created the cow and said:
'You must go into the field with the farmer all day long and suffer under the sun, have calves and give milk to support the farmer's family. For this, I will give you a life span of sixty years.'

The cow said: 'That's kind of a tough life you want me to live for sixty years. How about twenty and I'll give back the other forty?'

And God agreed again.

On the fourth day, God created man and said:
'Eat, sleep, play, marry and enjoy your life. For this, I'll give you twenty years.'

But man said: 'Only twenty years? Could you possibly give me my twenty, the forty the cow gave back, the ten the monkey gave back, and the tenthe dog gave back; that makes eighty, okay?''

Okay,' said God, 'You asked for it.'

So that is why for our first twenty years we eat, sleep, play and enjoy ourselves. For the next forty years we slave in the sun to support our family y. For the next ten years we do monkey tricks to entertain the grandchildren. And for the last ten years we sit on the front porch and bark at everyone.Life has now been explained to you.

I'M BACK.... and Weighing In

Hello Everyone... I missed you guys so much. Sorry I have made myself a stranger, but things have been so crazy. I am back, not just to my blog but to work. I took an extended leave due to a near break down... when and how do you classify it as a TRUE break down?? Well I can tell you, my dr is the one that took me out, and she is the one who put me on my pills !!! Just what I need, more pills huh? Well these were to make me settle down and relax a little, goodness sakes, I was needing it. The story is so long, I don't know that my fingers would hold up if I was to tell it all, so I will give you a "CLIFF NOTES" version. Basically a couple of weeks ago Michael called and we were discussing his father's health, he was in the ICU at the time, not expected to make it... which he did, Thank GOD ! Anyway, Michael was updating me on his father's condition because I do love his parents and he told me he was on his way to the hospital to see him. I told him to tell them hello for me. Well shortly after hanging up there was a knock on my door, when opening it, I see Michael there, I was a little stunned due to our previous convo where he stated he was on his way to the hospital, I asked what he was doing there and he said he wanted to see me. It had been a little while, since I told him to move on... So we talked for a little bit and then the drama insued.... He took his cell phone out and wanted me to watch him delete the girls numbers and pics out of it, I told him I didn't care and didn't want to see and it was to little to late, he got so angry that he threw his phone against my dinning room wall and shattered it. I was so shocked, I couldn't believe it. I told him he had to leave that I wasn't interested in watching him act like a child, and as he passed by me he said I can't believe you are doing this to me and he shoved me which caused me to fall over my coffee table. As I got up, crying and all I was way freaked out to say the least. I would of never have guessed he would do something of that nature. He of course said how sorry he was and didn't mean to do it and that he loved me more than anything, I said yeah well I don't want to be loved so much you have to push me, I could do without that kinda love. He grabbed my cell phone and I tried to pull it back away from him and we kinda wrestled over it a bit until he let go and my back was to him and he shoved me into the door jam near my staircase head first. YEAH sounds fun huh......... well he left after that. Sooo there began my somewhat of a breakdown. I couldn't believe this was happening and it was sickening to me. I called all the girls, including his ex wife and filled them all in on what was going on and let them know just what the real story was... they had no clue that he was playing both ends. Well since then they have all stopped talking to him, his ex wife changed her number, and vowed never to have anything to do with him. Shortly after our incident, he tried to kill himself, twice. He was torturing me I tell ya. He was sending me text messages saying I was the cause of his death and he could not live if he could not have me. It was horrible to say the least. So things have been rough........ but getting better now. He found out where Chris lives and showed up at 5 am on Saturday morning, Chris is not standing for it. I don't think I could of made it the last couple of weeks if I didn't have Chris, his son and his mom to cheer me up and take my mind off of it all. They have all been wonderful and always make me feel welcome when I visit them. I have been spending alot of time at Chris's with him and his son and his mom comes over alot to watch his son when we go run errands or just need to get away for awhile, she's great and I really like her alot. Well as far as the weighing in... the lbs have been dropping a little here and there. I have lost about 12 more lbs... which is definitely a positive. The girls in the dr's office say they can really tell especially in my face... I will have to post some pics when I get home, don't have any here at work.

I really can't believe I am down 45 lbs... sooo awesome

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I have so much to catch up on with everyone, I will be looking out for ya :)