Monday, August 4, 2008

Stranger to You and ME

Yep, that's what I have been lately. I'm sorry I have been MIA... but things have just been so hectic and exhausting frankly. I just have not had the energy or motivation to do anything. I will make an attempt to catch things up.

I previously mentioned Jon, well that was short lived... his 26 year old personality surfaced and really fast. I have to tell you this story.. this is when it all changed for me... things had seemed to be going really well, we were enjoying each other's company. Well my friend Katt (will have to tell you about her in a min) and a friend of hers wanted to go out to dinner together, well Jon was short on funds, and so I told him I wanted to go, and wouldnt mind paying for dinner... no biggie. So we go to dinner... we had before then stopped by the liquor store to get items for cocktails later... about 60 bucks worth of stuff... anywho... so at the restraunt, we get our table and Katt and I go to the restroom, in the mean time while we are gone, Jon and Katt's friend order themselves drinks. When I came back to the table, I was a little suprised b/c I thought we were not going to get drinks at dinner, hence the whole trip to the liquor store....

Well after dinner was over, the waiter puts the check folder on the table near the guys... and Jon proceeds to pick it up and open and look at the cost. (This is just me... but I think it's rude to look at the bill if you KNOW your not the one paying for it or even contributing.) Well after looking at it, he then proceeds to make a HUGE scene about how much his drink cost and there was not enough alcohol in it for it to cost that much and he was not even getting a free glass out of the deal. He then calls the waiter over and starts to complain to him about the cost and not getting a free glass or something. I was mortified... I hate when people make scenes like that. I felt so bad for the waiter. Well then Katt tells Jon to settle down, he has him EMT hat on and he should not be acting like that in public because he is representing EMT's. He didn't care. I paid the bill, not saying a word and got up and proceeded to the door. Then as we got out to the truck he was all what's wrong, why are you so quiet? DUH... cause your an IDIOT who acts like he is 2. Well that didn't last much longer.

KATT.... get this... Katt was a girl I went to Jr high and High School with back home about 3 hours from here. Well I happened to find her on myspace several months back and found out that she had moved away from our home town and was about 45 mins from where I am living... so I told her, to bring her daughters and come for a visit. She came and never left.... no not really... but since that first visit we have been job hunting for her and trying to get her to my area.... it's actually been great. We had not spoken in almost 14 years and it was like we picked up where we left off, just older, wiser and somewhat more mature :) haha We are so much alike, it's scary. I told her last night we were cut from the same mold, mine was just bigger :) I don't know what I would do without her here... she has really been good for me. I recently had to quit my somewhat part time job... I was basically killing myself and feeling it tooo... not enough sleep wears on you. I injured my arm as well... I had to see a specialist and get cortizone shots in my elbow and go through physical therapy to losen up the tighten tendons frommy elbow to my wrist. That was the first of the year and after working my part time job, I re-injured it... and it's a daily reminder.

Well Katt and I decided to get a place together and we found the perfect one and signed our lease on Friday, got our keys and moved all weekend... I am so paying for it today... I think I hurt everywhere... even places I never knew existed. MY HAIR HURTS :) haha

I love the apt... it's actually one I lived at 3-4 years ago before my very brief marriage :) I am very glad to be back in that complex. It's beautiful and the apts just spoil you :)

That's pretty much all I got for now... I hope not to be such a stranger anymore.

I have so much to catch up on with everyone. I hope your all well and doing great.


Kim H. said...

I sincerely hope that things are on the up swing now!! Try to hang out with Katt and wait on the men for a bit... when you least expect it - a good one will come along...

Anonymous said...

So glad that you are back girlie! I was beginning to genuinely worry about you. I wanted to hunt you down and make sure you were okay! LOL

Sounds like you are heading down a better track and I am so happy that you have found Katt...a friend like that is such a blessing!

I know life can easily get in the way of blogging so just say, Hi every now and then.

I am really happy to hear that you are bouncing back...


goooooood girl said...

i like your blog......

♥♥♥♥♥ Jennifer™® ♥♥♥♥♥ said...
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