Monday, February 4, 2008

Catching up

I know I have been away for awhile... tooo long...

Last week.. Tuesday, Michael and I took a couple of days off and headed back home. He finally got some time off and so we could get away for a bit. He had met my sister's family but not my mom and grandpa yet, so here we go. Headed home and had a great couple of days visit. He was a hit with mom and pop. They both loved him and that of course means alot to me... very important. He liked them alot too. He did alot of running around with my grandpa which I just found to be so cute. I got to see my sister's kiddos which always makes me happy. I miss them so much when they are not around for awhile. They are what I get homesick for... not so much as going back home, but just hanging out with the kids. We watched a couple of movies on my sister's new big screen... it's ridiculious :) Will do a movie review and update in another post here shortly !!

Okay so headed to sonic to get an apple juice slush (those ROCK) with mom and crack... my window bracket breaks... I can't roll my window up... what the heck... are you kidding me... SERIOUSLY !!! Well thank goodness for no rain that night. Thursday morning we wake up to head back home and what the heck... it's snowing outside... are you kidding me??

Well my mom bundles us both up including the 2 dogs which are piled into my lap and between my feet. She sets Michael up with a huge coffee and we head home... Michael manages to turn a 3 hour trip into 2 including a couple of stops with our driver window down... he didn't want to fix it until we got home to his friend who's the "car" guy! Boy... what a trip! But it was kinda funny and somewhat of our first adventure :) first of many I am sure.

After getting home and thawing out we decide to hit a movie... so Rambo here we come. It was actually pretty good. The war and fighting scenes seemed all to real and I was not bored at all. Turned out to be a good day after all.

Friday morning I wake up off and on through the night with some nausea, when getting up at 530 to get Michael ready for work it hit me full force... I was in the downstairs bathroom tossing my cookies... but there were no cookies to toss... so it was just alot of dry heaving and that hurts sooo dang bad. I hate to throw up... it sends those sharp tingles down the muscles in my back that just sting so bad. After getting him off to work I lay back down before I am to head off myself. After a couple hours the nausea is still there... So I make the call to tell the boss, me and work are not happening today and then I went back to bed. I was so sore... just everything seemed to ache and all I wanted to do was sleep. I didn't dare eat anything and when I tried to sip some crystal light... it came back up too... sooo no more drinking either. The ex called to remind me he was coming into town today to get the rest of his stuff that he had left behind when we split... I said go ahead, just don't expect help... too sick. He came by and packed up while I layed wrapped up like a burrito on the couch... I knew something was wrong when I was freezing... I am never cold. YEP.. had a slight fever. So between the bathroom and the couch we became very friendly all day. Michael got off earlier than he expected which was great and he wanted me to ride along with him to run his errands in his part of town. I love being with him no matter what we are doing, but don't know if the car ride was the best idea... the nausea was hanging on to me like the plague... but with nothing in my system, there was nothing to throw up :) . Michael wanted to grab some dinner... he hit Sonic... I got an apple juice slush to try to see if that would work and it did fine... I sipped it slowly. After all the running around I got some gatorade on the way home to drink before bed. It went down and stayed down well. Saturday still a little nausious but found the nausea meds they gave me for after surgery that I didn't need to use and took that... boy that worked wonders. Popped those babies every 4 hours as allowed and that got me through the day well. I managed to have some broth later saturday night as Michael and his friend Pat enjoyed some delicious smelling chinese. But that's okay... I wasn't about to dare anything more than that broth and some tea.

For anyone who made it this far... BLESS YOU !!! I know this post was here and there and back again, but keep coming back off and on as I work so it might be alot of ramblings... I'm sure it is actually, but that's how my brain works at times.

1 comment:

Kim H. said...

The docs just gave me Zofran for the nausea - which is great because it doesn't make you drowsy... just an idea if you want to keep some around.