Friday, February 29, 2008

My date with Chuck

I forgot to give details on my date tuesday with Chuck. Well he was a perfect gentleman. We had a great time visiting and talking, you know the normal get to know you preliminary stuff. He is a bit older than me, but that's okay. Seems to be more mature than what I have been dealing with lately. He is very well mannered and he was nervous, which was really cute. We visited over coffee and juice for me and it was really nice. He gave me a really nice hug and kiss on the cheek when I left. Sooo the emails between us have been flying back and forth since then and he is so flattering and so sweet. It's nice to have the amazing compliments he is showering me with. I am so looking forward to hanging out with him again.

Wish me luck gang :)


Kim H. said...

Yeah!! Who knows - maybe all the drama you've been dealing with lately has prepared you for a nice LOOOOONG relationship with Chuck?!

Angie said...

Hey there, thanks for coming by my blog. I'm curious how you found me.

I don't know what it was that particular day. . .when I was loving that "Downy" smell. But I have found a Bath & body Works scent "Sea Cotton" or something like that. . . that sort of has the same smell.

Hope you're doing well. I really like your blog. I will definitely come back!
