Thursday, December 13, 2007

Feeling Blue

I am in such a blue mood today. I guess being alone has caught up to me a bit. It's been almost a week since I asked Thomas to move out and I guess I am feeling the affects. I am not really sad that he is gone, because I was getting so stressed out by him, but I am feeling the lonliness today. I miss having someone to spend that time with, hate going to sleep alone. I have the doggies, but it's so not the same. I am not ready to get back into dating yet, but surely miss the companionship. I don't even really feel like posting, just feel so blah today. Maybe I need to go see a movie, that always cheers me up :)

I will have to see what's showing tonight and see what I can do about that !

1 comment:

Kim H. said...

I hope you feel better today - but I completely know what you're talking about with feeling blah and not wanting to post. I meant to do it yesterday, but just didn't feel like it. I hope that you're doing better today!